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Advocating Stronger Government Intervention for Improved Housing Delivery in Nigeria: Insights from Real Estate Stakeholders

Posted by admin on October 15, 2023

Real estate stakeholders in Nigeria are advocating for increased government intervention and incentives in the construction value chain to boost housing delivery. Suggestions from a recent housing delivery conference organized by Knight Frank Nigeria include appointing qualified individuals in critical housing sector positions, reviewing regulatory policies, establishing a necessary legal framework, and making pension funds attractive for housing development.

They emphasized the need for a coalition of stakeholders to address housing deficits and cite challenges such as high land acquisition costs, inadequate infrastructure, and funding issues. The stakeholders also call for reduced import duties on building materials and advocate for housing to be viewed as a fundamental right enshrined in the constitution.

Collaboration, data-driven decisions, and regulatory framework reviews are highlighted as crucial for effective housing delivery. The shortage of affordable housing is acknowledged, and the potential benefits of long-term rental schemes are emphasized, particularly for accommodating the majority of the population.

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